How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome & Show Up Confidently in Your Business

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Have you ever looked at someone absolutely killing it in your industry and thought, Wow, they really have it all together… while I’m just winging it, hoping no one figures out I have no idea what I’m doing?

If so, you’re not alone.

Even the most successful entrepreneurs—the ones with best-selling books, seven-figure businesses, and packed speaking calendars—struggle with imposter syndrome. Yes, them too.

The question is: How do you stop second-guessing yourself and start showing up with the confidence you actually deserve?

That’s exactly what we’re diving into today.

My Story: When I Didn’t Feel Like I Belonged

A few years ago, I invested in a $6K mastermind, excited and nervous to finally level up my business. On our first call, we were placed into groups based on revenue, and as soon as the conversation started, I knew something was off.

The first woman introduced herself polished, poised, ready to go on air at CNN, that level of put-together. She casually mentioned that she was struggling to break past $2 million per year.

I thought I misheard.

Then the next person talked about how things shifted once they hit $100K months (yes, per month).

And there I was, barely making enough to confidently call my business a business.

Before it was my turn to introduce myself, I left the call.

I ran.

I didn’t even give myself the chance to speak, let alone receive support. In that moment, I convinced myself that I didn’t belong.

And the sad part? This wasn’t the first or last time I let imposter syndrome hold me back.

Even when I gave solid advice that others valued…
Even when I saw my clients get amazing results…
Even when I had proof that I was good at what I did…

I still felt like a fraud.

It took me years to realize that:
Your messy start doesn’t mean you don’t belong.
Just because someone is further ahead doesn’t mean you’re behind.
Everyone, at every level, struggles with self-doubt.

And when I finally embraced that? Everything changed.

So let’s talk about why imposter syndrome shows up and, more importantly, how to stop letting it hold you back.

Why Imposter Syndrome Shows Up (And Why It’s Lying to You)

I used to think that once I hit a certain income level, had more experience, or worked with bigger brands, the self-doubt would magically disappear.

But then I saw a study that said 70% of high-achievers struggle with imposter syndrome including CEOs, award-winning artists, and world-renowned speakers.

Sheryl Sandberg (former COO of Meta) has admitted she still wonders, “When are they going to figure out that I shouldn’t be here?”
Maya Angelou, after writing 11 books and winning countless awards, once said, “I’ve run a game on everybody, and they’re going to find me out.”
Tom Hanks (yes, the Tom Hanks) has confessed he often feels like an imposter waiting for someone to tap him on the shoulder and tell him he doesn’t belong.
Mel Robbins, one of the most-watched TED Talk speakers, shared in her book Let Them that it took her two whole years before she finally started posting about her work and calling herself a public speaker.

If they feel this way… what does that tell you?

That imposter syndrome isn’t the truth. It’s just fear talking.

And here’s the kicker—it tends to hit women (especially high-achieving women) harder than men.

📌 Men will pitch themselves before they feel fully ready. Women often wait.
📌 Men confidently charge high rates. Women worry about being “too expensive.”
📌 Men assume they’re qualified. Women feel they need one more certification.

Sound familiar?

That’s why today, I’m not just here to tell you why this happens—I’m here to show you how to break out of it.

3 Steps to Overcoming Imposter Syndrome & Owning Your Authority

1️⃣ Reframe Your Inner Critic

The biggest lie imposter syndrome tells us is:
I don’t know enough to help people.

Here’s the truth: You don’t need to know everything. You just need to know more than the person you’re helping.

📌 If you’re a few steps ahead, you can guide them.
📌 Your experience is valuable even if you don’t feel “ready” yet.

Action Step: Create an Evidence List

  • Write down 5 times you’ve helped someone a client, a friend, even a past job.
  • Look at that list every time self-doubt creeps in.

👉🏾 Your brain will try to tell you that you’re not good enough. Prove it wrong.

2️⃣ Show Up Before You Feel Ready

One of the biggest mistakes I see entrepreneurs make? Waiting to feel confident before taking action.

🚀 Confidence doesn’t come first.
🚀 Action comes first. Confidence follows.

I didn’t feel ready to:
✅ Start my podcast—but I hit record anyway.
✅ Sell my first high-ticket offer—but I sold it anyway.
✅ Pitch myself for big opportunities—but I did it anyway.

And now? Those decisions changed my business.

Action Step: This week, take one bold action before you feel ready.
📌 Pitch yourself for a podcast or collaboration.
📌 Sell your offer confidently without over-explaining.
📌 Go live or post a bold opinion without second-guessing yourself.

Because waiting to feel ready is just another form of self-sabotage.

3️⃣ Stop Comparing Someone Else’s Middle to Your Beginning

Social media makes it easy to fall into the comparison trap.

You’re looking at someone’s highlight reel while living through your behind-the-scenes mess. And it makes you feel like you’re behind.

But here’s what you don’t see:
✅ That expert with the perfect brand? She was once a beginner too.
✅ The coach charging $10K per client? She had to sell her first offer at some point.
✅ That speaker commanding a stage? She had her first shaky-voice moment too.

Action Step: Unfollow or mute any accounts that trigger imposter syndrome. Instead, surround yourself with people who inspire and support you.

Final Takeaways: Your Next Steps

Imposter syndrome doesn’t mean you’re not good enough it means you’re leveling up.
Confidence isn’t something you wait for. It’s something you create.
You already know enough to help someone. Start showing up like it.

And if you’re ready to stop second-guessing yourself and get clear on your next steps, I have something for you.

📌 Book a Free Business Growth Audit
This 30-minute audit will help you:
✅ Pinpoint exactly what’s keeping you stuck in overthinking mode
✅ Identify your biggest opportunity for growth right now
✅ Map out your next best step so you can take action with confidence

🔗 Spots are limited book yours here!

And if you’re craving more real, honest conversations about the messy side of business, don’t miss The Mess of Success Summit a free event packed with expert insights on embracing your unique path to success.

👉🏾 Grab your free ticket here.

The sooner you start owning your expertise, the faster your business will grow. So what’s one bold action you’re taking this week?

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