All images, text, designs, graphics, trademarks, and service marks (the “Intellectual Property”) are owned by and are the property of Rosemary Dede or the properly attributed party. It is a violation of intellectual property law to use any of the Intellectual Property in whole or in part, and modification of any materials contained on this site is illegal.
You may use our intellectual property with clear and obvious credit back to our site, as well as links back to the page where the materials, designs, images, text, quote, or post is located when it is appropriate to do so. However, you may never claim any of our intellectual property as your own or your unique creation, even with attribution, or use any intellectual property within the offering that is attributed to a third-party.
You are only receiving a limited, non-transferable, non-exclusive, revocable license for non-commercial use only in order to access any content or materials in the offering you have paid for or opted to receive.
You may:
- Access the offering and download and/or print any offering materials for your personal use only and may not use it for the benefit of third parties.
You may not:
- Re-sell or trade your access to the offering.
- Share the offering with anyone else who has not yet purchased it or opted in to receive it.
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- Distribute any of the materials contained in the offering or related materials and/or communications as Your own, otherwise known as stealing.
- Reproduce and alter, edit, remix, or in any way create a derivative of any part or whole of the offering for distribution as Your own work.
- Claim ownership or use over any of our Intellectual Property without our prior consent, which includes (but is not limited to): course materials, worksheets, workbooks, lessons, videos, and other content; trademarks such as names, logos, taglines, or other unique source identifiers; or trade dress including the look and feel of the offering (and its related communications and materials).
- Use our offering or any related materials and/or communications in an unlawful way or for any illegal or unlawful purpose(s).
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