4 Simple steps to create better habits to help you work on your goals this year!

Podcast Episode

Learn about the 4 things you can do to work toward building your dream lifestyle!

Every year, at the beginning of the year, you are filled with motivation and New Year’s resolutions. Unfortunately, these big plans probably end up becoming a heavy weight on your shoulders and a constant reminder of your “failures”. You are not alone and there is a way to solve this!

I know that despite all your good intentions, unfortunately most of your plans won’t see the light of day unless you have a plan to guide you along the way.

I am here to help you with the 4 key actions that you can take to create habits that stick this year and work toward your goals.

Step one – Define what your dream life looks like

Before you can start working on your goals, it is important that you take time to think about what you really want in life.

Using the wheel of life can help you to look at where you currently are and where you would like to be.

Here are the different pillars of the wheel of life:

  • Career
  • Finances
  • Physical and Mental Health
  • Family and Friends
  • Significant Other/Romantic Relationship
  • Spiritual and Personal Growth
  • Fun and Recreation

Look at the various parts of your life and decide what you would like to achieve in each of these areas.

Step two – Set your intentions

Setting your intentions will help you to build the right mindset, be in touch with your needs and help you to stay focused on your growth.

Setting your intention means to start the day taking a moment to ask yourself what you need, want and aspire to and how you want to show up no matter the circumstances. 

Set your intentions like this:

  • Think about and write your intentions of the day,
  • Put them somewhere you will be reminded of often, 
  • Make sure to check it a few times a day,
  • At the end of the day journal about it and see how you can be more intentional going forth.

Step 3 – Take action daily

The only way to achieve great success in life is by taking consistent action toward realizing your dreams. 

This is how you can take action:

  • Start with small steps – What can you do at least once a day to work toward your goal? 
  • Don’t wait for motivation – Take action before you feel like it. 
  • Make it easy to do – What can you do that does not require a lot of effort?

Taking small steps daily will help you to keep your dreams alive and make your goals more attainable.

Step 4 – Measure Your Progress

The hardest thing besides starting a new habit is sticking to a new habit. To avoid quitting after a few weeks or days after starting a new practice, make sure to measure your progress regularly.

This is how you can measure your progress:

  • Hold on to your vision – Keep the reason why you decided to work towards this goal on top of mind.
  • Keep a gratitude journal – Celebrate your small and big wins
  • Don’t compare yourself to others – Stay in your lane

What are your secret tools for creating habits that stick? Feel free to share them with me in the comment section here below.

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